Dude, where’s my complete street?!

Calling all armchair urbanists! Our Complete Streets Policy requires all transportation modes to be considered during street repaving. Following the disappointing repaving of Cedar Blvd, which did not include any infrastructure changes despite being a municipal owned road and its proximity to the rec center and high school, the "Dude, Where's my Complete Street" project was born.

The goal is to redesign a street BEFORE it is repaved. Knowing which streets are up for repaving will help to focus our efforts and give neighbors a chance to collaborate and present their ideas to the Commission for consideration. Think of this as your five second head start!

Change won't happen without you! We need your feedback on what you’d like to see happen in your neighborhood. This map highlights the streets included in the repaving schedule for the next five years. If you live on or near one of these streets and have some ideas on how to make it better, we want to hear from you! Let the brainstorming begin!

Questions on how to navigate the map? Contact us!

How to get involved:

1. Review the map and add comments.

2. Enjoy Sketching? Join a sketch party and help create images that will enable people to envision what is possible. [See example below]

3. Attend or lead a walk audit. Get your neighbors together to explore some streets on foot and discuss improvements.

4. Attend Mobility Board and Commission Meetings. Advocate for the changes you want to see BEFORE your street is repaved!

Warmer weather is on the way and so is the next phase of the Dude, Where's my Complete Street project.  Walking tours of the following streets are planned for spring and early summer, exact dates to be decided.  These walks are designed to get people thinking about and experiencing how the environment works for all users, not just cars, and discussing how to make it better. Gather your neighbors and join us on a walk near you! Updates will be available on our project page, in future newsletter editions, or you can email Morgan to be put on a mailing list for a specific street(s). 

  • Williamsburg Park area

  • Overlook and Akron

  • Hoodridge, Vermont, and Terrace

  • Longridge

  • Country Club

  • Marshall

  • Altoona, Marietta, and Baywood 

New to this topic? Don’t worry we have you covered! NACTO has great visuals and this guide from Minnesota has loads of info to get you started.

Think beyond the standard speedbumps and stop signs. A road redesign might include things such as moving a curb to make the road more narrow, adding intersection bump-outs to shorten the crossing distance, adding crosswalk markings and lighting to make people more visible, or even replacing a parking space with a rain garden, etc.! As the daily users, you are the expert of your own street.

After we collect feedback, we'll hit the pavement to complete neighborhood walks and connect with residents and nearby users. Once we have a resident-led plan in place, we’ll begin to engage with the municipality.

Like to sketch? Help us create images like the one you see below! Interested in joining a sketch party, send us a note!