July 2024 Newsletter
Let's reimagine public spaces along Washington Road. The Municipality of Mt. Lebanon has initiated a project to advance placemaking in Uptown, specifically to consider improvements to public spaces such as Clearview Common, Clocktower Plaza, Parse Way and the stairway to the Mt. Lebanon light rail station.
Share your ideas here! Let them know Move Lebo sent you.
July was a great month for Move Lebo! We continue to gather momentum, bring incremental improvements to the community and add new members to our group! We’re thrilled by the support we’re receiving. Read on to catch highlights from the last few weeks and lace up your shoes, we’re launching a RunLebo Challenge! Oh…and don’t forget to complete the Activate Uptown Survey!
On Saturday, July 13th Move Lebo members braved the heat and completed the group’s first sidewalk cleanup. The stretch of sidewalk along Cochran in front of CVS has never looked so fresh! Thanks to everyone who came out to help make our community a better place to walk. And a special thanks to Mel’s Petite Cafe for providing a great space for us to hang out, cool off and socialize afterwards. We hope to do regular sidewalk cleanups and maybe even introduce a street cleanup challenge where neighbors compete to see who can make the biggest improvement on their stretch of roads (e.g., remove weeds, sweep leaf litter, cut back overgrown bushes, pick up trash, plant flowers, etc.) Which stretch of sidewalk should we focus on next? Send us a note - we’d love to hear your ideas of where we should go next!
Lace up your shoes and earn bragging rights! Join the newest running club in town, the 86 Mile Run Club! Mt. Lebanon has 86 miles of roads and the challenge is to run them all! Join Move Lebo on an adventure to explore the streets of our community and earn a nifty Hoka running t-shirt [below] upon completion! Group runs will take place Friday mornings at 7am and average 3.5 - 4.5 miles. All fitness levels welcome! Can’t make it to the group run? Choose your own adventure - pick and choose from the routes on the Run-Go app or create your own routes. Interested in hearing more? Check out this super cool reel Marty created!
The first group run is THIS FRIDAY, August 2 @ 7am! Sign up here.
Earlier this month, Move Lebo hosted a bike valet at the Uptown Farmers Market. It was refreshing to see dedicated bike parking Uptown and share a vision of what creative, people-centric design looks like! Look for us at an upcoming market soon - date TBD.
We are in the works to put together a Move Lebo PechaKucha* night! Vibes will be backyard hang with projector and some snacks and bevvies – We're thinking Sunday, August 18th, as way to keep the Sunday Scaries at bay. This will be an informal and fun way to get to know your fellow Move Lebo members and their perspective or story when it comes to Safe Streets for People Powered Mobility! It's also a great way to get some thoughts down on paper and hopefully aid in speaking to those outside our organization about what we stand for. (A PK is the same length as public comment at a commission meeting ) That said, the primary goal is to hang out and be wowed by some fun & interesting stories!
When: Sunday, August 18th 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: RSVP for address
What: 6-8 speakers with an intermission. Looking for volunteers to do a 5-min PK presentation. Interested in presenting? Send us an email.
BYOB or BYOSnacks
*The PechaKucha 20x20 presentation format is a slide show of 20 images, each auto-advancing after 20 seconds. It’s non-stop and you've got 400 seconds to tell your story, with visuals guiding the way. PechaKucha was created in Japan in 2003 by renowned architects, Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. The word “PechaKucha” is Japanese for “chit chat.”
Move Lebo hosted another successful Happy Hour at East End Brewing. Good beer, good people talking about good design. We’ll continue to host our happy hour on the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm @ East End Brewing. Come out and meet other like-minded friends to plan your next adventure or talk strategy for creating the change you want to see. Hope to see you at the next one!
If you are a regular on the T, you are probably well aware about major work being done by the PRT on the red line. For occasional riders, check out the PRT website for alternate routes.
- Tell your family and friends about Move Lebo - share this newsletter.
- Sign up for RunLebo!
- Join in the convo on Slack.
- Report! a safety issue or concern here!
- Use the power of your words - speak at an upcoming Commissioners Meeting and/or Mobility Board meeting.
- Complete the Activate Uptown Survey.
Friday, August 2 @ 7AM
Sign up for meet up details!
Friday, August 2nd 7pm - 10pm
Come by, make a bike streamer and say hello - we’ll have a table set up in front of the Municipal Building!
Sunday, August 11th
10am @ Needle and Bean [Open to anyone interested in learning more!]
Thursday, August 15th
5pm - 7pm @ East End Brewing
Sunday, August 18th
7:30pm - 9pm @ RSVP for address
Together and Forward
@movelebo | movelebo@gmail.com | www.movelebo.com
June 2024 Newsletter
Let's reimagine public spaces along Washington Road. The Municipality of Mt. Lebanon has initiated a project to advance placemaking in Uptown, specifically to consider improvements to public spaces such as Clearview Common, Clocktower Plaza, Parse Way and the stairway to the Mt. Lebanon light rail station.
Share your ideas here! Let them know Move Lebo sent you.
safer streets for people powered mobility
Well, June… that’s a wrap! We loved seeing so many of you out in the community - thanks to you, we’re gaining momentum. Let’s keep it going! Here’s a recap from the month:
We launched our new website with an awesome page of Resources now available. Interested in learning how to initiate a traffic study on your street? Or maybe you’re looking for inspiration about traffic calming options? Check out our Resources page for more info and keep checking back as we continue to build this section. Is there something you’d like to see? Let us know! You can also use our Report! page to submit concerns about a sidewalk, intersection, etc.
We had a great time supporting our friends at Lebo Pride with their incredible Pride Celebration. Move Lebo was excited to offer [the first ever!] bike valet for visitors. We’re filling the gap, as currently there are no bike racks located in the Main Park. We’re committed to bringing bike racks to the park but until then, we’re happy to valet your bike for you! :) We also captured a “wish list” of things residents would like to see: let’s hear it for bike lanes, more sidewalks and a dog park…to name a few. The “create your own bike streamer” station was back by popular demand. One visitor designed a streamer for the back of their motorized scooter and was so happy to feel seen!
Earlier this month, Move Lebo was the featured guest for the Lebo Green Speaker Series. Our discussion focused on ways to create safer streets for a more connected community and how to incorporate an e-bike into your daily routine. A very special thank you to our friends at Lebo Green for the invitation and for Adam at Adam Solar Rides for providing the e-bike test rides!
Beth McCabe talked about how it’s essential that children are actively engaged in their community, contributing to the greater good and developing a sense of place. At the same time, it’s essential that they can do so safely, especially as they grow and become independent. Initially drawn to the area for the walkability, she feels frustrated by the lack of safe walking routes for school children, especially along Washington Rd. With a mission to help improve pedestrian safety, she began to collaborate with other like-minded residents, who also desire safer streets and a more connected community. She encouraged attendees to join Move Lebo and help build community capacity to create change.
Andrew Flynn, Mt. Lebanon Commissioner, Ward 5, spoke about people-centric spaces and the power of thoughtful design to evoke a vibe similar to what people seek out in travel destinations. Mt. Lebanon has the potential to become a destination that people visit for an experience, think woonerf/living street. He also discussed the importance of building our community to accommodate all ages, from young to old. Older residents should have the ability to remain in the community, which means they need to be able to move around without the need to drive.
Seth Davis, armed with many facts and figures on the result of fast speeds and increased vehicle size on the survivability of crashes, which really hit home why better street design is needed. Mt. Lebanon road safety strategy, past and present, has focused on improving knowledge of safe transiting, but has done little to change the environment, which is part of the Safe Systems Approach. This system recognizes that people make mistakes and the road design needs to reflect that. Education is just a part of the solution. He also discussed the affordability of bike and pedestrian projects, especially when compared to large highway projects such as the Mon Fayette Expressway, which costs over a billion dollars.
For the e-bike panel discussion, Move Lebo members were joined by Adam of Adam Solar Rides to discuss e-biking basics, including types of bikes and essential gear. A common theme was the use of an e-bike as a car replacement and the utilitarian needs that resulted, such as hauling kids and groceries. Battery safety was also discussed. Battery fires have been in the news lately, but common sense actions such as buying a good quality battery and charger, charging when you are able to supervise, and aiming to keep the battery at room temperature. Also, maintain the battery health by not fully discharging or charging the battery. Optimum range is 20% to 80%.
The highlight of the evening was watching people ride e-bikes for the first time. Adam Solar Rides provided multiple types of e-bikes to try. Everyone wore big grins as they zoomed around the parking lot. The joy was infectious. Hopefully we’ll see some new faces out on the road soon!
Right now, we have a crucial opportunity to shape the future of our streets. A number of projects in the draft 2025 Statewide Transportation Improve Program (STIP) will impact Mt. Lebanon residents and our neighboring communities and we need to ensure that the details in Mount Lebanon's Complete Streets Policy are being considered.
Please submit a comment on the draft 2025 STIP. Public comments are a powerful tool for letting elected officials know what issues are most important to you.
Here's how:
Deadline: Be sure to submit your comment by Wednesday, July 3, 2024
What to Say: Here is an example that can be copied and pasted into the form. [Bonus points for adding your own personal story.]
"I am writing to urge you to take a complete streets design approach for projects listed below in the draft 2025 STIP.
Our streets are not just for fast travel by car, but also the connectors to where we live, play, work, shop, or go to school. Mt. Lebanon is a walking community, where many residents, including myself, travel by foot, bike, or transit. However, our current street designs don’t encourage these healthier, more equitable, and greener ways of getting around. Non-existent sidewalks, wide roads, fast traffic, and dangerous intersections are just some of the substandard road designs in our area that make getting around difficult for folks who can’t or choose not to drive, including children and the elderly.
Street design should reflect all users and priorities. That’s why Mt. Lebanon enacted a Complete Streets policy in 2022. This policy calls for best-in-class pedestrian infrastructure, bike lanes, lane diets, and traffic calming tools that make roadways safer for all users. While many of us often drive, we believe well-designed streets focused on walking, biking, rolling, or taking transit also strengthen our community and builds a sense of place. Walkable streets become an economic engine for neighborhoods – providing a destination where folks want to live, work, and play. The result is a win-win. Safer streets bolster resiliency and increase land values while reducing harmful emissions and wear on roads.
With safety, freedom, and economic vitality in mind, I am urging you to consider all road users in the following projects from the draft 2025 STIP. While some of these lie outside of Mt. Lebanon, a connected, regional network is essential to succeed. If we take this opportunity to improve the experience of walking, biking, or taking transit; we build a more resilient region for decades to come.
Selected 2025 STIP Projects
· 75341 - Betterment Reserve Allegheny
· 81700 - SR 19, Gilkeson-McFarland
· 82754 - SPC Region TAU Line Item
· 94645 - West Liberty Ave.
· 94698 - SPC Smart Tr. Initiative
· 97028 - I-376/Banksville Interchange
· 100789 - Saw Mill Run Blvd: PA 88 to I-376
· 113632 - West End Bridge Ramps
· 118882 - Painters Run Road
· 119343 - Banksville Road Reconstruction (edited)”
A shout out to our friends at BikePGH for hosting an awesome day long advocacy training. Two of our members attended the event to learn how to effectively build and win an advocacy campaign. It was such a success, they were invited back to present their campaign idea at the quarterly Advocacy Network Gathering. It was great to meet fellow changemakers and get feedback. We’re still ironing out the wrinkles but hope to have more details to share soon!
Move Lebo hosted its first Happy Hour at East End Brewing and it was a blast! Good beer, good people talking about good design. We’ll continue to host our happy hour on the third Thursday of each month from 5-7 @ East End Brewing. Come out and meet other like-minded friends to plan your next adventure or talk strategy for creating the change you want to see. Hope to see you at the next one!
We talk a lot about better street design, but what does that mean exactly? Well, the way a street is designed influences how it is used. Imagine that you are driving along a straight stretch of road with a nice, large shoulder. Trees and houses are set back by a few hundred feet, so there’s no obstructions. Your favorite song starts to play and you turn it up to sing along. You look down at the speedometer to discover you are going 15 over. You may think that the conclusion here is that you are a bad driver, but that’s not completely true. The municipality and local traffic engineer also played a part. Paradoxically, the wide lanes and large sight lines installed in the name of safety may make our roads less safe. By designing our streets like interstate highways, we allow drivers to feel comfortable at those speeds in residential areas.
Instead, we want to create streets that make safe driving the default. As an example of a design that induces slow speeds, consider the Squirrel Hill tunnel. It’s two lanes in and two lanes out, but always seemed to be backed up. This is because the tighter feel caused by the tunnel walls compels drivers to proceed cautiously. Similar effects can be accomplished in Mt. Lebanon by creating narrow, tree-lined streets. This helps to make the speed limit of the street intuitive.
Stay in touch via our newsletter as we tackle a different design element each month that can help to create a more livable Mt. Lebanon for all. Traffic calming goes beyond just speed bumps and stops and hopefully by learning about some different options, you will be able to reimagine your street as safer, more vibrant places.
If you are a regular on the T, you are probably well aware about major work being done by the PRT on the red line. For occasional riders, check out the PRT website for alternate routes.
- Tell your family and friends about Move Lebo - share this newsletter.
- Join in the convo on Slack.
- Report! a safety issue or concern here!
- Use the power of your words - speak at an upcoming Commissioners Meeting and/or Mobility Board meeting.
-Submit a comment on the draft 2025 STIP [more details above in Call to Action!]
Saturday, July 13th
10am @ CVS on Cochran Road
Sunday, July 14th
10am @ Needle and Bean
Monday, July 15th
7pm - 8:30pm @ St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Thursday, July 18th
5pm - 7pm @ East End Brewing
We’re planning a WALK/RUN/RIDE LEBO event for late September/early October. More details coming soon!
Together and Forward
@movelebo | movelebo@gmail.com | www.movelebo.com
May 2024 Newsletter
May is National Bike Month, and it's the perfect time to join Move Lebo! We welcome you to become part of the growing community of residents who believe safe streets for people-powered mobility make life better for everyone.
Welcome to our very first MoveLebo newsletter! We are so glad you’re here. Although we are only a few months old, we’ve been blown away by the support of the community, and we’ve loved hearing each of your individual stories.
What’s Move Lebo? Move Lebo is an advocacy group, initiated by residents, independent of the municipality, working to improve the quality of life for Mt. Lebanon residents. We are focused on pedestrian safety, traffic calming/road redesign and bike infrastructure. Mt.Lebanon is well positioned to reinvent itself as a leader in the region, demonstrating what is possible when you shift from a car-centric to a people-centric approach.
Earth Day Recap
Move Lebo said its official hello to the community at the Mt. Lebanon Earth Day celebration. We were blown away by the level of support and enthusiasm we received from our fellow residents. We want to say a very special thank you to BikePGH for supporting our efforts. Thanks to their generosity, we were able to host an incredible kid bike course. Loads of families visited the course, it was amazing to see the delight in both the children and adults. Our bike course provided a space for kids of all ages to discover the joy of biking. Several kids rode a bike for the very first time at our bike course and even better, some older kids who can't ride a bike (and thought they didn't like biking) discovered that they love the feeling of a balance bike! It exceeded our expectations! With your support, we look forward to building our own fleet of kid bikes and course supplies in order to host more kid bike courses in the future! We’d love to come and set up a kid bike course at your next neighborhood block party. Interested? Contact us for more info!
In addition to the bike course, we distributed e-bike resource guides, city maps, and family biking guides provided by BikePGH. We raffled off a gently used 20” REI kid bike and we had a make your own bike streamer/backpack keychain craft at our main tent. Who doesn’t love a good bike streamer?! Not only are they fun, they also increase visibility while kids Move (around) Lebo. Oh! And stickers...we have a pretty sweet stash of them!
Our Next Few Months
We’re working to create partnerships with key stakeholders such as community groups and nonprofits, local gov, business and property owners, the PTA and PTA council and residents like you. While the concept of improving our quality of life isn’t hard to support, the road to get there will be challenging. Your support will help us to reach the finish line.
We’ve outlined four focus areas for our group: Advocacy, Outreach, Education and Action.
Read more to discover which area you can help support.
We plan on working with local government and organizations such as the Department of Transportation to advocate for safer and more vibrant streets. This work includes the Active Transportation Plan, a Washington Road Redesign, and advocating in local schools.
Our outreach arm is responsible for creating events and involving the community in fun experiences. We will have a signature event coming soon (stay tuned!)
The action branch of Move Lebo is responsible for physical improvements to the community such as installing bike racks and enabling our other pillars via maintaining the website and managing our 501c effort.
Our education arm will be creating maps and documentation of e-bikes and safe walking routes. In addition, the education team is creating resource guides for residents to engage with to help with taking the first step in addressing issues and concerns.
Ideas we’ve been cooking up - we want to hear from you too!
- E-bike voucher program
- Bike repair stations and bike racks
- Tactical Urbanism
- Pop up Move Lebo bike courses, coming to a Block Party near you
- Finding our collective voice to demand safer walking routes for our school children
- Making Mt. Lebanon a destination instead of a speed bump for drivers going into the city
- Traffic calming, what can we do to feel safe on our sidewalks and streets
- Biking meetup groups
- Signature Event - Lebo Style Open Streets, Neighborhood Keg Ride, etc.
Get Involved
What can you do to get involved today?
- Tell your family and friends about Move Lebo - share this newsletter.
- Join in the convo on Slack.
- Submit a safety issue or concern here!
- Use the power of your words - speak at an upcoming Commissioners Meeting and/or Mobility Board meeting.
Feeling frustrated that your daily lived experience does not match your expectation of a walkable community? We want to help our fellow residents enjoy the quality of life they came here seeking. We believe you should be able to move through Lebo simply and safely, regardless of what form of transportation you choose. We also share the reasonable expectation that our children be provided with adequate safety measures while walking to school, as walking is a requirement not a choice.
We are working to purchase bike racks and a bike repair station to place in prominent places around Lebo like Uptown. In addition, we are in the process of building our own fleet of bikes and bike course supplies to continue hosting pop up bike course events around the community. If you would like to make a donation toward purchasing the bike racks and repair station, you can do so on our Donate page.
Upcoming Events:
Monthly Move Lebo General Meeting:
1st Sunday of the month
10am @ Needle and Bean
Next: Sunday, June 2
Lebo Pride: Come visit us at the Move Lebo booth!
Mt. Lebanon Main Park
June 15th 8am - 4pm
Lebo Green Speaker Series: Move Lebo Panel Discussion & e-bikes
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
June 18th 7:00 - 8:30pm
Monthly Happy Hour:
TBD @ East End Brewing
We look forward to seeing you there and we thank you in advance for your support!
Together and Forward
@movelebo | movelebo@gmail.com | www.movelebo.com